The 25th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
IPCO 2024

Accepted papers

The following papers were accepted to be presented at IPCO 2024:

  • Jannis Blauth, Nathan Klein and Martin Nägele. A Better-Than-1.6-Approximation for Prize-Collecting TSP
  • Jamico Schade, Makrand Sinha and Stefan Weltge. Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Mixed-Integer Programs for Stable Set and Knapsack
  • Meike Neuwohner. A 4/3-approximation for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Arborescence problem in dags
  • Zeev Nutov. Extending the primal-dual 2-approximation algorithm beyond uncrossable set families
  • Tasuku Soma, Kam Chuen Tung and Yuichi Yoshida. Online Algorithms for Spectral Hypergraph Sparsification
  • Madison Van Dyk, Jochen Koenemann, Nicole Megow and Kim Klause. Fast Combinatorial Algorithms for Efficient Sortation
  • Jingye Xu, Santanu Dey and Diego Cifuentes. Sensitivity analysis for mixed binary quadratic programming
  • Aditya Anand and Euiwoong Lee. Separating k-Median from the Supplier Version
  • Ryuhei Mizutani and Yuki Yoshida. Polynomial Algorithms to Minimize 2/3-Submodular Functions
  • Javier Marinkovic, José A. Soto and Victor Verdugo. Online Combinatorial Assignment in Independence Systems
  • Yuri Faenza, Cliff Stein and Jia Wan. Von Neumann-Morgenstern Stability and Internal Closedness in Matching Theory
  • Richard Cole, Christoph Hertrich, Yixin Tao and László Végh. A First Order Method for Linear Programming Parameterized by Circuit Imbalance
  • Christoph Hunkenschröder, Kim-Manuel Klein, Martin Koutecký, Alexandra Lassota and Asaf Levin. Tight Lower Bounds for Block-Structured Integer Programs
  • Rajni Dabas, Naveen Garg and Neelima Gupta. Capacitated Facility Location with Outliers and Uniform Facility Costs
  • Emily Schutte and Matthias Walter. Relaxation strength for multilinear optimization: McCormick strikes back
  • Bart van Rossum, Rui Chen and Andrea Lodi. A New Branching Rule for Range Minimization Problems
  • Iskander Aliev, Marcel Celaya and Martin Henk. Sparsity and integrality gap transference bounds for integer programs
  • Billy Jin, Nathan Klein and David Williamson. A Lower Bound for the Max Entropy Algorithm for TSP
  • Siyue Liu and Chao Xu. On the Congruency-Constrained Matroid Base
  • Jannik Matuschke. Decomposing Probability Marginals Beyond Affine Requirements
  • Gérard Cornuéjols, Siyue Liu and R. Ravi. Approximately Packing Dijoins via Nowhere-Zero Flows
  • Chien-Chung Huang, Nidia Obscura Acosta and Sorrachai Yingchareonthawornchai. An FPTAS for Connectivity Interdiction
  • Kirill Kukharenko and Laura Sanità. On the Number of Degenerate Simplex Pivots
  • Jesus De Loera, Brittney Marsters, Luze Xu and Shixuan Zhang. Integer Points in Arbitrary Convex Cones: The Case of the PSD and SOC Cones
  • Marcel Celaya, Stefan Kuhlmann and Robert Weismantel. On Matrices over a Polynomial Ring with Restricted Subdeterminants
  • Yuri Faenza, Ayoub Foussoul and Chengyue He. Two-Stage Stochastic Stable Matching
  • Ayoub Foussoul, Vineet Goyal and Amit Kumar. Fully-Dynamic Load Balancing
  • Yongchun Li and Weijun Xie. On the Partial Convexification of the Low-Rank Spectral Optimization: Rank Bounds and Algorithms
  • Haripriya Pulyassary, Kostas Kollias, Aaron Schild, David Shmoys and Manxi Wu. Network Flow Problems with Electric Vehicles
  • Anupam Gupta, Jinqiao Hu, Gregory Kehne and Roie Levin. Pairwise-Independent Contention Resolution
  • Omar El Housni, Alfredo Torrico and Ulysse Hennebelle. Adaptivity Gaps in Two-sided Assortment Optimization
  • Omar El Housni, Andrea Lodi and Theo Barre. Assortment Optimization with Visibility Constraints
  • Sally Dong and Thomas Rothvoss. Extension Complexity of Polytopes with Bounded Integral Slack Matrices