IPCO (Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization) is a conference that is sponsored by the Mathematical Programming Society. IPCO is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on various aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The aim is to present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications of integer programming and combinatorial optimization.
- The detailed program is now available here.
- The conference dinner will take place on Thursday, July 4, at 18:30 at the restaurant Martim https://maps.app.goo.gl/EL4V2817RbGn68wq9 . More info on our program page.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: November 6, 2023, 23:59 (AoE).
- Notification: January 26, 2024.
- Final versions for proceedings: March 15, 2024.
- Poster session submission deadline: May 15, 2024.
- Conference: July 3-5, 2024 (Summer school: July 1-2).
Summer School Speakers

- Sophie Huiberts, CNRS: Open problems about the simplex method
- Vera Traub, University of Bonn: Approximation algorithms for Steiner trees
- Neil Olver, London School of Economics: Equilibrium behaviour of flow-over-time traffic models
Details on the Summer School. Registration for the summer school is now open.
The conference talks as well as the summer school lectures are planned to take place at:
Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław
Joliot-Curie 15, 50-383 Wrocław, Poland
The detailed program is available here.
Poster session
IPCO 2024 will feature an informal poster session during which participants will have the opportunity to present their research on the topics related to the scope of the conference. In particular, we invite the student participants of IPCO 2024 and its summer school to promote their areas of interest.
If you would like to present a poster at IPCO, please send a proposal to ipcoconf2024
in the following form:
- The subject of the email should include
. - The message should include:
- Name of the presenter
- Title of the poster
- A short abstract of the research results to be presented
The deadline for submitting poster proposals is May 15.
The proposals sent earlier will be processed as they arrive and only undergo light refereeing. As the poster session is an informal part of IPCO, you are welcome to submit posters that have been recently presented at other venues. We plan to list the presenters on the IPCO webpage, but they will not be included in the official proceedings of IPCO.
The organizers will provide stands where the posters will be placed. The presenters will be responsible for bringing the printed posters and attending the poster during the dedicated poster session(s).

The IPCO conference is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on various aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The aim is to present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications. The scope of IPCO is viewed in a broad sense, to include algorithmic and structural results in integer programming and combinatorial optimization as well as revealing computational studies and novel applications of discrete optimization to practical problems.
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of their recent work by November 6, 2023; see the submission guidelines below for more information. The Program Committee will select the papers to be presented on the basis of the submitted extended abstracts. Contributions are expected to be original, unpublished and not under review by journals or conferences with proceedings before the notification date (January 26, 2024). Papers violating these requirements will not be considered by the Program Committee.
During the conference, approximately 33 papers will be presented in single-track sessions. Each lecture will be 30 minutes long and given by one of the authors in person (on-site). The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. They will contain extended abstracts of all accepted submissions. It is expected that revised and extended versions will subsequently be submitted for publication in appropriate journals, for example in the special issue of Mathematical Programming B that will be devoted to IPCO 2024.
Best Paper Award
The Best Paper Award of IPCO 2024 is awarded to the paper:
Gérard Cornuéjols, Siyue Liu and R. Ravi. Approximately Packing Dijoins via Nowhere-Zero Flows.
Submission Guidelines and Instructions for Authors
The extended abstract must not exceed 12 pages in Springer LNCS format, plus references. Please check the Springer Information for LNCS Authors for additional information. If necessary, an appendix containing additional technical material can be added and may be considered at the discretion of the Program Committee. Alternatively, authors are encouraged to include a link to a full version in a freely accessible online repository.
The first page should contain the title, the authors’ names with their affiliations, and a short abstract. The introduction should be a broadly accessible exposition of the main ideas and techniques used to achieve the results, including motivation and a clear comparison with related work. In particular, the introduction should convey to the non-expert why the paper should be accepted to IPCO. Submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed according to the standards of top tier reviewed conferences. The main acceptance criteria used by the Program Committee are the quality and originality of the research, plus its interest to people working in the field. It is crucial that the importance of the work is understood by the committee. The claimed results must be correct and new.
A paper will not be considered in any of the following cases:
- It has already been published.
- It is under review by a journal or another conference with proceedings.
- It has a member of the Program Committee among its authors.
- It is submitted after the submission deadline.
- It is not allowed to submit a paper that has been submitted to IPCO 2024 to a journal or a conference with proceedings before the notification date.
Program Committee
- Ahmad Abdi • LSE, London
- Kristóf Bérczi • ELTE Budapest
- Niv Buchbinder • Tel Aviv
- Jarosław Byrka • Wrocław
- Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran • UIUC
- Sanjeeb Dash • IBM
- Sami Davies • Berkeley
- Samuel Fiorini • ULB, Brussels
- Zachary Friggstad • Alberta
- Swati Gupta • MIT
- Sophie Huiberts • CNRS
- Jon Lee • Michigan
- Gonzalo Muñoz • O’Higgins
- Ola Svensson • EPFL, Lausanne
- Jens Vygen • Bonn (PC chair)
Local Organizing Committee
- Marek Adamczyk • University of Wrocław, Poland
- Marcin Bieńkowski • University of Wrocław, Poland
- Martin Böhm • University of Wrocław, Poland
- Jarosław Byrka • University of Wrocław, Poland (local chair)
- Łukasz Jeż • University of Wrocław, Poland
Past Editions
A concise history of IPCO is maintained at the Mathematical Optimization Society website. The last two editions of the conference were:
- IPCO 2023 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Conference proceedings.
- IPCO 2022 at the TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Conference proceedings.